Friday, August 11, 2006

a propos of nothing...

...i present you with my official work photo, something that i had completely forgotten about until i got to the office and saw the little reminder on my calendar (despite having signed up several weeks in advance). i had gone super-cazh that day in jeans and a tank top (well, two tank tops, to be specific) and fretted about looking too casual in an official work pic. but i think it turned out okay:

although i must say that i was kinda disappointed because they took all these fun pics of me lounging in a chair and making silly faces... and then ended up picking the most normal-looking shot of them all. oh well.


  1. ONLY AT AN AD AGENCY would one have an employee photo as such -- nevermind the photo SESSION! ha! lookin' good, j-kim.

    re: the roach, you can slide a sheet of paper under the cup (and, ideally, it) and voila, you have yourself a contained, humane, neat Roach Disposal System. huzzah!

    btw, lovin' the new skin on the site!

  2. you look mahvelous dahling. by the way, i have gotten a couple of friends hooked on reading your blog. i guess i read out a few too many lines that made me laugh at loud, so now they're all reading on their own. before you know it, you'll have an audience of millions....
