Thursday, November 2, 2006

halloween shenanigans

I make a very convincing Cristina Yang, no? with the curly hair (well, "curly" is a relative term when you have hair like mine... might have to settle for "wavy" instead)? and the ... asian-ness? and the scrubs and nametag? wouldn't you trust me to operate on you? to do a running whipstitch, perhaps? to save my injured-hot-surgeon-boyfriend and to make Izzy realize that she still wants to be a surgeon?

[surgery, anyone?]

some drunk girl on 6th street took a look at me and said "OMG! you look JUST like her!"


right, because I'm such a dead ringer for the lovely Sandra Oh:

here's one of the whole team. bring on the medical emergencies and the soap opera-esque drama, stat!

[from L to R: Meredith, Izzy, McDreamy, Cristina]

hope everyone had a happy Halloween.

1 comment:

  1. ahahahha genius! embrace the all-asians-look-alike stereotype..
