Monday, March 20, 2006

i heart austin radio

well maybe i just heart HAVing a radio in my funny mocha-colored HHR rental car (grr, stupid frat house and the stupid robbers that probably sat on the corner and kept watch on us so they could steal all of our belongings that had any value whatsoever, and grr again for the stupid car delivery people for messing up the poor stereo-less and defenseless rice rocket).

right. so i digress. POINT IS. there is a radio station here in austin that i have fallen completely in love with. here is a random sampling of some of the songs i have enjoyed since pledging my undying loyalty to jammin 105.9:
  • "hey, mr. DJ, keep playin' that song... all NIGHT... onnnn and onnn and onnnn" (it's friday night and the wknd's here, it's time to unwind, where's the partyyyy)
  • LL cool j, doin it
  • all cried out, 112
  • aaliyah, are you that somebody
  • montell jordan, let's get it on tonight
  • black street, no diggity (no doubt!)
  • OPP, naughty by nature (seriously)
  • "GIVin' him SOMEthin' HE can FEEEEEEEL..." (en vogue, of course)

hel-LO! people! how can you not live the radio station that plays music that reminds you of your eastern middle school bus-riding and richard montgomery parking-lot-party-having days? if they start playing "let me freak you up and downnnnnn.... 'til you say stop!" i am going to have to pull over and have a moment.

well done, austin. i commend you and your fantastic radio stations. although last friday i really did miss me some "it's FRIIII-DAYYYYYY!!! burnt toast and coffee time." just doesn't feel like friday without that joyous exultation.

1 comment:

  1. i heart jen's blog!!! i am loving the updates, jen, so please PLEASE keep them coming. they are so fun to read. you are hi-LARious! can't wait to visit (though god only knows when) so i can check out the pimp-tasticness of the ATX. let me know when you hear "love, will, be, RIGHT, here! be right here... no fear! lo-ove i-is he-ere."
