Wednesday, August 8, 2007

i'm going, going, back, back, to austin, austin

(doesn't have quite the same ring to it)

back from a quickie biz trip to da east coast and drowning in work. will leave the shortest post ever to share some very sad news with you all: MY BELOVED FISH HAS DIED! he committed fish suicide (fishicide?) and i found him on the floor, all shriveled up and dried.

no idea what happened but i am sad (he was my faithful austin buddy!) and not sure if i deserve another fish.

*sniff* poor cowboy.

also (now there's a segue), for those of you who were wondering, it has stopped raining in austin! the sun, it rises. (eastern middle school shout out there)

also (another impressive segue), i am officially in love with my blackberry pearl. heart! love! completely attached!

ok back to work now bye kiddos


  1. Poor fishie. RIP. This is why I don't own so much as a plant. I am not a good caretaker.

    Heaven help me if I ever have a baby.

  2. RIP Cowboy. I'll miss you. (thank goodness I didn't kill it while fish-sitting!).

  3. Wow. Sorry to hear your fish jumped. It's hard to lose a pet.

    I don't think I would be good with a fish, because I could quite easily forget it is there. Something that is neither underfoot nor noisy...much like a plant, of which I have neglected many. I'm good with people, dogs and cats.
