Tuesday, January 22, 2008

dude, I'm so over it

the whole "make shit happen" plan? the one where I decide to stop living life so passively and start going after things that I want to achieve?

yeah, it's kinda lame.

I decided to FINALLY bite the bullet and sign up for a GMAT prep class. I'm making shit happen! I'm paying a shit ton of $ to take a stupid test and get me some fancy edumacation! I'm shockingly okay with this! it's a free (well, super expensive) ticket out of Austin (which I like, so why am I leaving?) and into Paris (provided I actually get into school, that is)!

being the lazy 21st-century shopper that I am, I signed up for everything online and figured I'd just show up to class this Thursday. no fuss, no muss -- right? yayyy me! way to Make Shit Happen!

...except that I got a phone call from the center today telling me that there wasn't enough interest in this specific class (I had tried to be all bad-ass and signed up for an advanced class), so they were going to have to either refund my $ or switch me into a regular class (which doesn't start for another month).

ugh. must keep my resolve to keep Making Shit Happen, but do they have to make it so inconvenient?


  1. Didn't you take the test once already?

    About the prior post, I've found that adding cool, fun stuff to your life only supplants kind-of wasteful stuff and you're happier for it. Go do something fun!!!

  2. Sign up for the regular class! Make shit happen, cause b-school is what all the cool kids do.

    (Actually, not true. If they only let in cool kids, I SO would not be going.)

  3. your plan is not lame, your fellow GMATers are. i mean, why aren't more of these kids signing up for the advanced class?

  4. hey, dont know if you've ever seen this page, but you might want to check out www.xanga.com/koreancooking. A lot of cool recipes to help you get started on your plan!

  5. "the sadness that I am no longer in Paris"-I having this printed on a tee-shirt.
